Friday 12 October 2007

My team! Check out the fat guy in the middle!

Monday 24 September 2007

Back from the jungle

Have spent my first two nights in the jungle which I can tell you is a very interesting, and very creepy place at night. I used my new perang skills to make myself a hammock which I pitched between 2 trees near the edge of a massive drop, and then spent the whole night worried I hadnt put it up right and that I might die. I didnt die. Was eaten alive though. Little beasties must have found a litte hole in my mozzie net because I shared my bed with lots of them.

Back now for more training. The pace is quickening as the day the youngsters arrive approaches. Found out what my project is today. I will project manage the final stage if the construction of an eco-lodge in a little village called Batu Peteh. Myself and 2 others project Managers (PM's) will be personally responsible for about 15 youngsters. Click link to check out the building I am working on....

Looks very exciting. More details to follow!

Thursday 20 September 2007

In the Jungle, the mighty jungle....

This will be my last post for a few days as I depart at 6am tomorrow morning for the jungle. There I'll take part in staff training, learning everything from how to put up a hammock to how to safely use a perang, thats a large machete to you and I. Will be paying very close attention as in a weeks time I will be the teacher. Its a very exciting time. Today has been exhausting, learning how to work the radios and what makes a good project manager.

Going into town now to meet some locals who have promised to put on a special cultural dance for us. Should be interesting! Back in a few days...

Tuesday 18 September 2007


Enjoyed my first day off yesterday. Kev (The Loggie), Sarah (the accountant) and I took a speed boat to the little island of Manukan, just off the KK coast. The boat ride across was great fun, but the ride coming back is the one I'll remember. A storm engulfed the island and threatened to keep us stranded. Fortunately, a brave boat-man picked us up and took us back through the awful weather. The boat left the water coming off huge waves and I was soaked, loved every minute of it. I couldnt shake this huge grin of my face for the whole ride. Definitely a highlight of the trip so far.

Back on land, I joined a gym just to get use of their changing room and jacuzzi, a bit of shopping, an Indian for dinner, then the pub. Ended up getting pretty pissed because we havent really had a drink in a while. All good fun though. Back to base around 2am.

Think its safe to say the rest of the team are now clear on my views of Dido. And Celine Dion. Also weighed in on the 'What would you rather have - two women or 4 midgets?' debate.

Monday 17 September 2007

Very Important Preparations

Spent most of last night counting and seperating out condoms into individual travel packs for the youngsters when they arrive. Also made sure they have enough morning after pills, pessaries and vaginal tablets to make sure they can have a good, but a safe time.

Was also able to watch watch the beginning of a film called 'Just like Heaven' with Reese Witherspoon, till it made me physically sick.

Preparing for Jungle Camp which starts Friday the 21st. Cant wait to do some real work. Though judging by the heavy rain, it may be a little wetter than expected.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Favourite things continued...

You can add being violenty sick to the list also. Stupidly took my doxycycline (malaria treatment) before breakfast this morning. Was feeling pleased with myself as its the first time I've remembered to take it on time. Was less pleased an hour later when I was on my hands and knees violenty vomiting into an already manky toilet bowl. Still lesson learned, apparently you shouldnt take these drugs on an empty stomach. Should have read the label really.

Details about my project(s) are starting to filter through. Looks as though we will building a gravity water feed sytem in a small village where the locals still have to travel miles to take dirty water from a well. Time permitting, we may also finish building a bridge that a previous team had started. Should be rewarding work. Exact details as to why this bridge will be useful are still unclear, but as soon as I know, you will too.

These are a few of my favourite things.

You can add pissing on my own toes to the long list of things I dont enjoy. As much as I enjoy the comfort of my new sandals, splash-back is definitely a problem. Its not that I'm actually pissing on my own toes, its more that when you piss into a trough type urinal you cant help but create a splash which invariably ends up back on your own toes. My own piss on my own toes I could probably manage, but knowing my piss is making other guys piss splash on me is. Raleigh dont tell you about that in their handouts.

Otherwise, loving Malaysia. The new picture shows team base. Situated in the suburbs of KK, it far exceeds my expectations. Meeting more and more of my team each day, we will all be here by the 19th. Then the real fun begins. Till then I'm spending most of my time acclimatising to the incredibly hot, but incredibly humid weather. I can take a shower and be just as sweaty as I was less than a minute later.

The next week or so is about confirming projects. The 70 or so young people arrive on the 3rd of October. By then I should appear credible as staff member. After meeting them I will split them into 6 teams and send them off into the jungle to complete various tasks. Only then can we decide which team I'll join. Cant wait.

Will keep you posted.